
2016-07-16 07.55.50  View from house 2016-07-18 12.06.43  House 2016-07-18 12.06.12  Jenny on the steps Joy  Joy looking sultry
2016-07-17 15.56.56  Lunch at Christmas Cove 2016-07-19 09.02.27  Boat to Monhegan OnTheWayToMonhegan  On the way to the island 2016-07-19 10.14.21-1  sculpture and Joy
2016-07-19 10.58.35  Setting off on hike 2016-07-19 10.19.17  lovely flowers on the island 2016-07-19 11.09.33  Joy and Jacob in the wreckage of ship Jacob  Jacob
2016-07-19 19.36.22  Seth and Anna 2016-07-20 16.05.30  Joy and Jacob leave Lobsters  Lobster dinner CIMG1705  Henry and Krystyana
CIMG1677  Jacob on the porch SarahJane  Sarah Jane Henry  Henry James CIMG1692  James and Henry
2016-07-22 18.17.03  Henry and Michael 2016-07-22 19.14.47  At the birthday dinner 2016-07-22 20.10.01  Valeska 2016-07-22 20.19.32  Henry and his mom
2016-07-22 20.58.26  Greta and Seth Maria  Maria Twins  Ken and Geof 2016-07-20 12.59.26  Hope and Geof
HopeAndKenny 2016-07-20 13.01.11  Greta, Cheryl, Maia 2016-07-23 09.39.31  Persis 2016-07-23 10.23.50  Kenny, Cheryl, Greta, Nathaniel, Beth, and Maia