Weddings-Tessa and Alex

Tessa and Alex
Tessa and Alex 2018!

Tessa and Alex were married on June 30, 2018, in Methuen, Massachusetts. ALL my siblings and ALL my children came and most of my nieces and nephews as well--which in itself was cause for celebration.How good to be together! Here we are milling about at the church. Family
map of NH and MA with pictures of wedding superimposed The family came streaming into New Hampshire to join Tessa and Alex in their celebration--from England, California, Colorado, Ohio, Maryland--everyone so happy to take part in this splendid event! Which by the way took place in two states and three locations--we were all very grateful to our clever phones, guiding us so effortlessly to hotel, church, and winery.

old car
Helen and Harriet The service was lovely--Tessa's beautiful twin nieces guided her down the aisle, and her parents walked on either side of her--she was so joyful, looking like an angel in her white dress and veil, and Alex beaming at her from the altar. After that we gathered at the winery and partied with great good cheer. Tessa with Claire and Daniel
A nice selection of pictures is here.
And LOTS more pictures that are not actually all wedding but also of my kids and the swell B&B's they stayed at are here.

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