QuentinCelebrating the Life of Quentin M Hope, 1923-2005

The Hope family and friends participated in a Memorial Service for Quentin on Saturday, April 16, 2001, in the art museum of Indiana University. His niece Kyrstyana began the ceremony by playing Sonata No.1 in G Minor by J.S. Bach.

There were memories of Quentin, readings, and many happy and even hilarious accounts of his life and times. Geof, Nathaniel, Persis, Trevor, Kenneth, Valeska, Michael Berkvam,and Anthony Pizzo all spoke of their remembrances of Quentin.

A fine spread was provided and we all tucked in with gusto. Geoff had written : "The thing is we are bound to want to do a little celebratory imbibing and there is a move afoot (don't tell me you haven't heard of it) to frown on people who drink too much wine before lunch. I know, you'd think people would grow up and mind their own damn business but there you are. The airport is what? about an hour or so from Bloomington. I would hope to be able to pick you up, saving a little of the hard and cold. Thrift had a firm place in Dad's values, though generosity's location was more central."

Afterwards, Natalie provided a generous dinner for us all in her pretty house.

Persis and Nathaniel sampling the comestibles, of which there were a grand assortment.

Click on the picture for a link to one of Quentin's letters.

Click on the picture
for some of Geof's readings from Quentin's book

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