Joy and Lawrence and Kairos bravely flew across the mighty ocean to visit family!

toy plane with Joy, Lawrence, Kairos riding it

What Kairos Said on the Plane

At the last moment, Lawrence had secretly hidden two elegant chocolate bars in the carry-on, one wrapped in green and the other in stylish purple--a birthday gift. At some difficult moment on the flight it occured to him that a chocolate bar would definitely fill the bill, and he discreetly retrieved the green wrapped jobbie--sharing it with his ladies to EVERYONE'S complete satisfaction. Once it was (regrettably) gone, they settled down to the rest of the flight. And then Kairos looked up at her daddy and said, "WHAT ABOUT THE PURPLE ONE?"

chocolate bars
Dino,Lawrence, Joy, Kairos We were all so thrilled to welcome them! They spent a week in Georgia with Grandma Saralyn and Beatrice and Dino (and also, VERY IMPORTANTLY, Doggie Bijoux), and a week in Maryland with Grandma Hope and Aaron and other family. the chair that goes round

Party in Bethesda!

Easter hunt The Sunday after they arrived was Easter, and we had a party--with a tiny Easter candy hunt. Kairos and the small daughter of one of Joy's high school friends trotted about finding candies hidden by Lawrence-Easter-Bunny. The little girls were keen but keener were their mamas who were not above POINTING at hidden items and saying "Do you see something there?" Subtlety is lost on small children. Easter Bunny

At Tybee Beach in Georgia

Kairos and Dino on the red push car It was a wonderful week at Tybee! There was sun and sand and ocean! And for one shining moment, both Kairos and Dino managed to fit on the VERY popular red push car! The cousins were cautious but positive about one another, and their parents hope that they will learn to be good friends. In forwarding this endeavour, ice cream treats are very helpful.
Walking Doggie Bijoux was also an important part of the visit.
Kairos and Bijoux

Party at Aaron's House in Virginia and Pizza party at Grandma Hope's

Kairos in giant sombrero Aaron threw a splendid dinner at his lovely house. Kairos tried on one of his grand sombreros.And before the pizza at Grandma Hope's there were GOLDFISH, which were extremely delicious. Kairos generously shared them with everyone except the cats who weren't interested. The next day Kairos and her parents flew back to Leeds and eventually the grandmas and other family wiped away their tears and turned back to everyday things.
There are some pictures here.
Kairos with goldfish
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