26Jones Street

CIMG0686  Excellent Halloween cake! CIMG0655  Sarah Jane's splendid coat CIMG0656  Keith samples the goodies CIMG0662  Joy and Krystyana
CIMG0663  Jacob CIMG0664  Beatrice's excellent cake which she is sending us the recipe for soon. CIMG0665  Pannetone is delicious EVEN WHEN IT ISN'T CHRISTMAS CIMG0666  Sarah Jane
CIMG0668  Hope, with Nicholas and Keith CIMG0669  Joy CIMG0670  Beatrice CIMG0673  Beatrice, Sarah Jane, and Valeska
CIMG0676  Anna CIMG0677  Jenny CIMG0678  Jenn and her fabulous coat. Nicholas and Keith CIMG0680  James
CIMG0681  Jacob and James CIMG0682  Seth CIMG0684  Seth and Joy CIMG0687  Sandy chatting with Jenny
CIMG0690  Linne and her beautiful daughter Jenn IMG 0289  Jenny and her beautiful daughter Anna IMG 0291  Cakes and chocolate bars IMG 0293  Hope takes a picture, Carola looks on
IMG 0294  Michael and Jessica IMG 0302  Nina and Carola IMG 0299  The bottles