MousieChristmas and Plumbers

Pail The normally smooth and stately progression to Christmas was fatally marred by a Ghastly Plumbing Incident which plunged the whole house into disarray right after Thanksgiving--from which the cats and I emerged, a month later, our heads bloody but unbowed. This somewhat PUT ME OFF MY STRIDE in the Christmas prep department, but we still managed to celebrate--and how wonderful to have all the children home and to be together! Pail

MousieGhastly Plumbing incident, explained

cats notice water dripping Plumber destroys ceiling cat regards destroyed room cats with Christmas tree
The cats notice water dripping from the ceiling The plumber is summoned!
He smashes out the ceiling!
Everything is RUINED, And then, everything was OK!
And it was Christmas!

More details at the Kitty's blog here.

MousieParty, Christmas Day, and Christmas Dinner

Hope and her children Once all the children were assembled, we had our Christmas Eve party, with many festive viands, a brimming jug of egg nog and a tray of goodie bags. Family and friends came and celebrated with us!

And then it was Christmas day! We opened Christmas stockings at breakfast (which of course included mimosas and Uncle Seth's eggs, that famous recipe that is named after him but which he has never heard of), and then exchanged gifts. The cats were VERY pleased with the gift boxes, though dismissive of the gifts. Then on to Daniel and Claire's for a fine party and excellent dinner. Pictures here, with as usual the best being Claire's.
Jug of wassail

MousieOur Christmas Letter and Gift Page

Mousie Our Christmas letter is here, with all the family news.

Mousie Our swell 2014 gift page is here which assigned giftees and giftgivers.

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