Hope and Lawrence Despite Lawrence's poor health, he and Hope managed to have a splendid week in Maine in July, a fine weekend in Denver in August, and a very pleasant visit to the UK in October. AND, we got two wonderful new kitties, Jack and Sophie. Bertie welcomed them with open paws, and is very happy to share the house with them. Our cats
Our dear kitties!
Aaron 2012 was a year of traveling for Aaron. He started out with the winter in DC, where he continues working with his dad in their small business, before heading back to Europe in the Spring. He greatly enjoyed trips to Ukraine, Russia, and Germany with friends and family as well as spending much of June in the US. As the snow returned to Tallinn, he headed back to DC to finish off the year in it's comparative warmth.
Arabella Arabella is proud to have survived her first winter in Colorado! AND, she bought and designed/remodeled a house, changed gyms (went from corporate to posh), successfully tore out and bleached basement (winning the battle of mold)--and successfully hung Christmas lights on her roof!
Beatrice Beatrice's time with Morgans Hotel Group will end on January 1st. While she enjoyed much of what she's done over the past several years, she is excited to take a break from corporate life. She is planning to skip as much of NYC winter as possible and will be sitting by the sea for a few months while she works on her next project.
Jacob Jacob started out 2012 by launching his new project, Burn Note, a service for sending self-destructing messages. While working on the follow up to this project he had a repetitive stress injury in his right arm which kept him from typing for most of the summer. In the fall he finally recovered thanks to physical therapy and in November he moved in with his girlfriend Jenn to a cozy apartment in Williamsburg, the neighborhood where they first met.
Joy Joy is having a great time teaching at Essex University and is trying not to turn completely British. Her boyfriend Dave recently completed his PhD in engineering and to celebrate they went on a wonderful trip to Iceland.
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