Hope and Lawrence Hope and Lawrence are enjoying life together--getting old, but getting old together. Very best wishes to all of you! Pork Pie
BEST pork pie of 2011!
Aaron Aaron spent a productive year divided between in Estonia and DC. In Tallinn he has sold his business off to locals and focuses on finding new opportunities while in the US he helps his father with the shops. Arabella Arabella moved to Denver in the spring, and is loving it. Snow, she has learned a lot about it--how to drive in it, play in it, shovel it! But despite the snow, she is loving Denver!
Beatrice Oskar, Beatrice’s cat of decades, finally shuffled off this mortal coil. His understudy, Deke, who had been waiting in the wings for 5 full years, has leapt in with her own more catty and vigorous version of the role. In other news, there are still hotels. Jacob Jacob began the year collaborating on a startup called Referio with friends, and is ending the year developing a private messaging system called Burn Note. In March he moved from Brooklyn to the lower east side where he has been enjoying the neighborhood and living well, trying yoga and eating better.
Joy Joy completed her studies in applied linguistics, and received her M.A. from Essex University, where she is now teaching. We had a grand time in London together in October, and met her new friend, Dave.
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