Merry Christmas 2009

Hope and Lawrence Although 2009 was filled with festivity, with four wonderful weddings, the year was marked by a terrible loss. Lawrence’s mother died in November. We have made her a Memorial Page. In spite of the sadness, we are persevering, and look forward to having all the family with us for Christmas.
Aaron This year Aaron got a skunk, and a car. The skunk is an ENGLISH skunk, and Aaron traveled to England to pick him up, and to visit Joy and James. Then in the fall he traveled back to the states for his cousin Andrew's wedding, which was a lot of fun. Then, back to Estonia for the rest of the year, running the two stores.
Arabella Arabella completed her dual masters in nutrition and kinesiology from the University of California in San Diego. During this year, she interned for UCSD's pediatric nutrition program, and for the American Council on Exercise (helping to re-write their national group fitness exam). She is currently working in the Wounded Warriors swimming program at the Health and Wellness Department in San Diego Naval Base. She plans to move to Barcelona in 2010.
Beatrice Beatrice is the Corporate Director of CRM (customer relationship management) of the Morgans Hotel Group. She has moved to a new apartment, still in Brooklyn, and still within walking distance of dear brother Jacob. In other news, Oskar the cat is still alive--and healthy! Oskar is healthy! and still has charming habit of sticking claws into one's shoulder to show his love. Also Deke has suddenly become very unafraid of people and affectionate and almost as demanding-of-attention as Oskar.
Jacob Jacob has enjoyed spending his first full year in beautiful Fort Greene. During this year he hosted many dinner parties including his first Thanksgiving which featured a delicious fresh turkey from the local farmers market. Other highlights from 2009 included an August visit to Copenhagen with his brother and many picnics in Prospect Park with his sister and their mutual friends who live nearby in Brooklyn.
Joy and James Joy and James have moved into a new flat in Manchester and are busy teaching English and translating/interpreting Japanese, respectively. Although the cold north titillates, they plan to move to slightly sunnier southern climes in 2010 for Joy to pursue her MA in applied linguistics and for James to try to get a suntan.
A gift Click Here to look at the table of gift and gift givers. A little bit LATE, though.