
CIMG1095  Happy Birthday Jenny and Hope! CIMG1096  Cake with birthday flowers! CIMG1100  The table awaits the food CIMG1101  Jack and the goodie bags
CIMG1102  Goodie bags CIMG1098  cookies and tarts CIMG1099  Birthday cards CIMG1106  Dinner
CIMG1107  Harriet eating her dinner CIMG1111  Seth and Harriet chatting over dinner CIMG1112  Andrew CIMG1104  Celia, Helen, Anna
CIMG1105  with corn bread and lasagne CIMG1109  Celia IMG 3107  Harriet ready to accompany birthday song IMG 3108  Tess appreciates Harriet's whistle
IMG 3098  Anna and Helen. Helen is delighted! IMG 3106  Helen continues delighted IMG 3102  Jenny and Hope singing the song IMG 3101  Jenny
IMG 3100  Hope IMG 3103  They blow out the candles IMG 3094  Anna IMG 3091  Harriet and Auntie Tessa
IMG 3090  Helen IMG 3088  Harriet and Tessa IMG 3087  Still Harriet and Tessa IMG 3086  Harriet and Tessa yet again
IMG 3111  Jenny and Seth IMG 3084  Harriet with the Brio train CIMG1110  Anna IMG 3085  Jenny
IMG 20140315 191540  Anna, Nick, and the twins IMG 20140315 194323  opening presents IMG 3113  Hope IMG 20140315 193740  Helen and Seth playing a duet
IMG 20140315 193733  Still Helen and Seth playing a duet IMG 3116  Seth playing tunes for the girls to dance IMG 3114  Philip watching the dance IMG 3097  Celia
IMG 20140315 191527  Tim and Claire watching the dance IMG 3118  Keith watching the dance IMG 3117  Celia and Aaron watching the dance